CCP Exam Registration - Survey in Process
CCP Forms and Requests
CCP Recertifications

The CCP Certification Program began its efforts to offer a California certification designation starting in 2016. Then by February 9, 2018, and throughout 2019, held its Inaugural CCP Exams where California successful paralegals earned today's first California Certified - CCP designation.

As the paralegal and legal profession, everyday work experiences, education programs, and CAPA's Certification program experienced many challenges, restructuring, rethinking and disruptions during 2019 - 2022; we are all looking forward to 2024/2025 with the opportunity to set future CCP Exam dates, availability, and promotion.

CAPA sent out a CCP Exam Survey to each and every one of you who have already taken a prior CCP Exam and are anxious to retake the exam, and those who are seeking to obtain the California certification for 2024/2025, and thereafter, with an opportunity to learn more about CAPA's CCP Certification Program and then to take/retake the CCP Exam.

Many of the items have been static during the pandemic, the CCP Committee is working on a 2024/2025 CCP Exam and Retake schedule. We will provide updated information as soon as it can be released and will update this page. Dates and locations for the 2024/2025 will be tabulated from the CCP Exam Survey.

Note: Any Applicant who has originally taken the CCP Exam during the Inaugural Period (February 2018 through November 2019) must apply as a Retake Examinee.


CCP Study Guide


 ADA Accommodation 

Request Form

Order $15.00

Purchase Here 

  Qualified Medical

Professional Form

Retake Examinee


Retake Application and CCP Retake Exam

Hand Score Request Form

 CCP Replacement Certificate Form

Request Available


The CCP Exam and Certification Fees will now be offered as to members of a CAPA Association Members (provided on CAPA's Website, Member Associations tab) and Non-Members. They are published on the CCP Fee Schedule (Certification Tab). Certain Administration and Retake Fees remain the same. Registrations are non-transferable and all Fees are Non-Refundable.


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