CAPA - Search for a California Certified Paralegal "CCP®"

CCP Directory Lookup

This CCP Lookup feature (click above) allows you to locate or verify a paralegal "only" if they are a compliant California paralegal who has earned CAPA’s California Certified Paralegal (CCP) designation; met specific employment and attorney supervision, qualifying and continuing legal education standards, and passed the CCP Certification Exam.

About CAPA

  • CAPA has a database of those California paralegals who have earned CAPA’s CCP certification and designation since February 9, 2018.
  • CAPA is a volunteer-based organization that supports mandatory legal education (in accordance with the State Bar of California Rules), voluntary examinations (CCP Certification Exam), and the advancement of the paralegal profession (i.e. National and professional certifications).
  • CAPA does not maintain internal resources, nor is it staffed to handle individual California paralegal name versification, past or present, education, employment, complaints, or general business requests.

Use the above link to enter the name of the California paralegal.

  1. If the California paralegal has achieved the CCP designation, the results page will display the California paralegal's name and California city.
  2. There will be no results if the Califronia paralegal has not obtained the CCP designation.
  3. Be sure that the name you provided matches exactly.  

Are you seeking general information about California paralegals?

  • California paralegals, as defined by law, must comply with BPC* §6450; they are self-regulated, working under the instruction of their supervising attorneys, and may work in law firms, companies, or government agencies.
  • They have specific education, employment, and legal work experience requirements.
  • They must also maintain their knowledge of current law and ethical responsibilities by attending Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (every two years) seminars and events.
  • California paralegals are not licensed by any California agency or jurisdiction. " In California, only attorneys can practice law. When someone who is not licensed to practice law provides services that can only be performed by attorneys, that is called the unauthorized practice of law (UPL). UPL is a crime."

Has someone using the paralegal title promised to provide you services, is providing you advice or operating independently of a supervising attorney?

  • They may be Legal Document Assistants, who are non-lawyers who may only prepare legal documents and may file them in the appropriate courts for general public persons performing their own legal tasks.
  • They may distribute legal materials to the public person that are published or approved by a California lawyer/attorney.
  • To operate as an LDA, they must register in their California County (who issue an identification card), they must post a $25,000 bond, and prove they have adequate education and experience. (BPC §6400).  
  • Article 3, Conduct of Business and Prohibited Acts [6408 - 6415] provides their requirements (i.e. listing their County Registration Number,County of Registration and Expiration Date). Section 6408.1 states that "Notwithstanding any other law, the venue for an action arising out of a dispute between a legal document assistant and their client shall be the county in which the client has their primary residence."
  • The California Association of Legal Document Assistants (CALDA) website is where you can search for Registered and Bonded LDAs and file a complaint about a specific CALDA - LDA member.
  • Section 6400 (g) "A legal document assistant may not provide any kind of advice, explanation, opinion, or recommendation to a consumer about possible legal rights, remedies, defenses, options, selection of forms, or strategies. A legal document assistant shall complete documents only in the manner prescribed by paragraph (1) of subdivision (d)" and Section 6401.6.  A legal document assistant may not provide service to a client who requires assistance that exceeds the definition of self-help service in subdivision (d) of Section 6400, and shall inform the client that the client requires the services of an attorney. According to California law, they are self-service legal providers who must refer the public person to legal counsel for advice.

Has someone In California used the title of paralegal, failed to provide you agreed upon and paid for services or cannot now be located?  

  • To resolve issues with non-compliant legal document preparers, consumers can consult the list of enforcement agencies available on the Consumers tab on the Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals (ALDAP) website.
  • Provisions of the Business and Professions Code related to paralegals (link provided above) specifically; BPC §6451 (services for consumers) and BPC §6455 (violations and fines) should also be reviewed.
  • If they are operating a business you may also reach out to the Better Business Bureau in your county or if applicable, related to non attorneys you may access the above UPL reference link from State Bar of California for their UPL resources, Cease and Desist listings by County, and online complaint form.
  • Another professional resource for details about a person representing themselves as a paralegal, would be to also look for them through social media, LinkedIn and some may even be on Facebook.
  • Last, you can contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). "The  CFPB ensures that consumer financial markets are fair, transparent, and competitive. It handles complaints about financial products and services, including issues related to paralegal services.  You can file a complaint with the CFPB if you believe a paralegal or legal service provider still needs to deliver what was agreed upon." The Bureau will review your complaint and work to address your concerns.

Please note that paralegals can receive certification from organizations other than CAPA. We suggest verifying the paralegal's name with a nationally recognized paralegal association. Their respective websites are on our website under Affiliate Associations (NALA and NFPA).

Any questions about CAPA's CCP Certification Program not found under the Certification Tab on our website can be directed to [email protected]        

*BPC - California Business and Professions Code



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